The Unseen Grind: Mastering the Marathon of Business Creation | day 253

I wanted to share a little story from my college days that I think is relevant to all of us as high-achieving innovators.

Back in the day, I was quite the party animal (hard to believe, right?). But here's the thing – parties aren't free. So, to fund my nightly adventures, I took on odd jobs, one of which was being a line placeholder on Capitol Hill.

Yes, you read that right. I'd camp out overnight outside the Hart or Rayburn buildings, holding spots for lobbyists aiming for prime seats at the next big congressional hearing. Sounds dreadful, doesn't it?

But my friends and I turned this necessary grind into a fun experience. We found ways to make even the most tedious tasks enjoyable. The work wasn't glamorous, but it was crucial to fuel my desire to hit the big nightclubs.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm sharing all this. Well, here's the deal: chasing dreams and achieving goals often involves doing things we might not enjoy. It's a grind, and that's precisely why countless people give up while trying to bring their vision to life.

But remember, with every high comes a low.

Persistence, keeping your eye on the prize, that's what it's all about. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Those who stick it out, win. Period.

Building a company from scratch is no different. It's a behind-the-scenes slugfest. But those who remain relentless in pursuing their vision find ways to turn even the toughest journeys into enjoyable experiences.

So, hang in there. Keep pushing. It gets better, and the view from the top is worth every step.


Making space to create. | Day 281


Hurry Up and Slow Down | Day 225