Tackling Your To-Do List Like Elon Musk | Day 93

Recently, I've been absolutely gripped by Walter Isaacson's latest page-turner on Elon Musk. If you're into biographies that dissect the minds of our era's most groundbreaking thinkers, Isaacson is your guy.

There's a ton to chat about in this book, but one detail about Elon Musk really grabbed my attention. It's not his notorious 'demon mode', though that's definitely a conversation for another day. Instead, it's his uncanny knack to balance 6+ companies every single day, from the tiniest details to the most critical decisions. Some might call it his superpower.

Now, you may think he's just a master of multitasking. But Isaacson paints a different picture. He calls it 'serial tasking'. Rather than juggling multiple balls at once, Elon takes each task in turn, giving it his undivided attention before moving on to the next. This approach lets him zone in, tune out the noise and truly engage with the task at hand.

What's more, Isaacson describes how Elon uses gaming and tweeting as a mental palate cleanser between tasks - like nibbling on a slice of ginger between bites of sushi.

Fascinating, right?

Now, I'm no Elon Musk. I don't helm 6 companies or make decisions that could change the course of humanity (like colonizing Mars or pioneering AI). But as an entrepreneur, I wear a lot of hats - salesperson, marketer, designer, leader, bookkeeper, coffee brewer... The list goes on. If I tried to do all these things at once, I'd be mediocre at best. But by adopting Elon's serial tasking approach, I can give each role my full attention and deliver my best work.

How about you? How do you tackle your daily to-do list?


Peeling Back the Curtain | Day 100


The Dual Facets of Entrepreneurship: Observers and Empaths