Revealing My (new) Mantra for 2024 | Day 202

As we've bid adieu to the flurry of end-of-year 'top 10' lists, it's time we turn our gaze towards the fresh canvas of opportunities that is 2024.

As many of you know, I'm a big believer in starting each year with a guiding mantra - a north star to help me navigate my daily 'way of being'.

Years prior, my mantra was "Go Be Do", encouraging me to:

GO to interesting places.
BE with interesting people.
DO interesting things.

It served me well.

This year, given my shift in priorities, I've chosen a new mantra:

"How you do anything is how you do everything."

The upcoming year holds a myriad of uncertainties - from global conflicts to pivotal elections, crucial business choices, and more unknowns than we can count.

But here's what's certain... how you show up in this world matters. It matters for your family, friends, customers, and even those strangers you cross paths with.

So let's make every interaction meaningful.

💯 Be deliberate.
💯 Embrace gratitude.
💯 Spread kindness.
💯 Offer a helping hand.
💯 Live your truth.
💯 Respect everyone.
💯 Be a beacon of love.
💯 Attend to the small things with honesty.

Remember, your actions behind closed doors when no one is watching are the reflections of your true self. So let's be the person we want others to see.

While I'll be the first to admit I have numerous faults, I promise that I will do my best to show up as the best version of myself for each and every decision.

"How you do anything is how you do everything."

Given this thought, how might it shape your everyday decisions?

Here's a warm welcome to 2024. May it be your most incredible year yet!


Hurry Up and Slow Down | Day 225


The Fear of… Success 📈 | Day 170