Our chance to make a meaningful difference. | We're Nominated! 🎉

The journey to creating something meaningful is often hidden behind the scenes, unseen by those who enjoy the final product. As creators, we know it's the daily grind, the meticulous attention to detail, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that shapes our work into something truly special.

Every now and then, this behind-the-scenes effort gets noticed, and I'm thrilled to share such a moment with you.

Our podcast, SUPERHUMANS, crafted with love in our very own Well Played studio, has been chosen as a Signal Awards FINALIST for 'Most Inspirational Podcast' out of more than 2000 shows!

I'm over the moon with gratitude and joy, and I wish you could see my face right now!

Winning this would mean securing our 4th award for the show since its inception, in a category that's notoriously difficult to clinch. But I believe in us, and more importantly, I believe in you, our listeners who've been with us every step of the way.

So, I invite you, my loyal supporters, to take just 2 minutes to VOTE for SUPERHUMANS. I know how easy it is for emails to get lost in the shuffle. So, if you can, please VOTE now. While the official deadline to vote is Thursday, October 5th, please don't wait. Click this link and make your vote count…TODAY.

Looking back, my proudest moments aren't tied to fame or fortune but to projects like SUPERHUMANS that have the power to touch lives. When Pamela and I first conceived the show, we pledged to keep it alive even if it only reached one person. With hard work and persistence, we’ve been able to impact many lives since then!

We've received countless heartfelt messages from listeners sharing how our stories have moved them, transformed them, and even saved lives (literally). This award, then, isn't just about recognition for us—it's about the millions who find solace and healing in SUPERHUMANS. It’s about the selfless impact we can collectively have on others.

I firmly believe that when you put good into the world, it reciprocates with an abundance of goodness in return.

Your vote not only supports us but also helps more people discover SUPERHUMANS. Think of your vote as a small, yet powerful act to help someone heal and overcome the mental health challenges we all face.

While this entry may diverge from my usual musings on The Well Home journey, I'm convinced it carries a significant message for all innovators. It's crucial to create offerings that resonate not only with you but also with your target audience - this alignment is the key to achieving excellence in execution.

Recognition will naturally follow when you passionately engage in meaningful work. Remember to honor and celebrate your victories - they are well-deserved!

Thank you for being part of our journey and for making SUPERHUMANS a gift that keeps on giving.

And if you haven’t already, please VOTE here.

With deep gratitude,

PS: Take a listen to the episode entry that helped catapult us into the finalist stage: The Healing Power of Music [Kendall's Story]


Take the Coffee Meeting ☕️ | Day 114


Peeling Back the Curtain | Day 100